Bedroom paint colors

bedroom paint colors

Bedroom painting ideas usually revolve around the wall color. There are a wide array of colors that can be used for effective bedroom wall paint. Colors have a different psychological effect on us. For that reason, many of us are not sure which color to use.

The first consideration is the color scheme of the room. This includes the style and design, color of the bedroom furniture if the bedroom is for the children and the entire color of the room. This should be determined to avoid certain colors.


Bedroom Colors

The color should be a good combination to have an effective bedroom. It should be together with the colors of the wall, for example, if the walls are painted with blue paint you should never use orange color.

The first choice is selecting the best paint. Commonly known as flat paint or enamel paint is the common choice for a bedroom. This is the paint for all overpainting of the bedroom. There are many bedrooms that are made to have a dark space near the ceiling including a spiral staircase.

This is predominantly used for Gothic or Gothic-style bedrooms. Accent rooms or a perfect example of this room is a vessel or vase that holds old silk flowers. The color being a light blue for the vase.

After planning the color, thoroughly cleaning the walls of the bedroom is the next step. Apart from your choice of an accent color, you have several room color ideas to choose from. For some additional options consider choosing wallpaper for the room. There are many design patterns and famous artists are famous for painting wall designs. Wallpaper offers you more creative room design by being affordable, with unlimited choices and high durability.

Room color ideas – most people love to be unique. As a result of this, some of them can spend abundant time looking for the right paint color combination or else purchased a set of bedroom wall paint.

There are wide color mixes and also accent color options. There are hormone relaxers, calming effects, sensuality, and romantic colors, that make you relax. When accenting a bedroom in the opposite color to the wall color adds an exotic touch and it also brings out the specks in your wall.

Another thing that you can do to your bedroom that adds a new dimension is lighting. Lighting in a bedroom can add an extra element to the room design, it is a soft, ambient light that makes you feel relaxed and comfortable. Now if you have the option, you can change the lighting set up according to the season. For example, in winter you can take advantage, of the dark color or if you have tulips in your bedroom you can add blinds to make your room come alive with the colorful tulips.

There are special tiles that you can use to dress up your bedroom wall without spending a lot of money. These tiles can be used just like a printed wallpaper. There are so many ideas if you are very artistic with colors and creativity. When you build a house with good thoughts most of the time all it will lead you to one conclusion of a bedroom, like the room is the most important room in your house.

There are several breathing colors that by using interior paints of a room can come forwardly or slower, or create a drive-through reflection.

Too much white or: white with grey or: white with red, creates a plain atmosphere.

Too much black or: black with silver or: black which reflects light.

Neutrals are, making the process of color mixing easier and sustainable.

Using only one color more than the other can make a room look much darker because it would draw all other attention to the color of the walls. However, the beautiful and attractive bedroom will look like a dream because of the color combinations.

7 Tips On How To Organize Your Crafts Room

If you’ve been hard at your craft hobby for awhile, you’ll know all about getting things in a mess. I recently decided to turn our spare bedroom into arts an crafts room so that I could have a cubby hole away from the main living area. Dedicating a room to artistic pursuits was one of the best things I did.

I’ve been hard at work organizing things, and I’m finally getting on top of everything now. Even having a dedicated room for arts and crafts need some thought so that things don’t get out of hand. So, before your crafts space or room grows out of control, I’d suggest taking stock and getting yourself organized first.

After all, a clean space leaves a clear mind for more creativity.

Here are some suggestions:

#1 Get extra storage space

Getting an additional cabinet or other types of storage – if the size of your room or space allows – will free up your workspace from the clutter. Don’t allow your work table to become a dumping zone for junk.

#2 Get rid of anything you don’t need

Be ruthless when you go through your craft supplies and items. After a few years you’ll probably accumulate a ton of stuff, you’ll never use. Chuck everything out that you don’t need or donate it to your local school. You’ll feel a lot better for it.

#3 Take stock and be ruthless

Ask yourself what you need to store and think about the types of zones or areas do you need to create. A useful tip is to group your stuff into similar piles to store together. For example, craft supplies by type, fabric, and sewing, etc.

#4 Create work zones

Create work zones within the room dedicating one zone for each project. That way you’ll be able to leave them all set up on your workbench as I move through the steps. Sometimes, when you experience a creativity block on one project, moving to another one might free up the creative flow.

#5  Get what you need

Don’t skimp on organization tools like cupboards, bins and drawers. You’ll be surprised how good it makes you feel to be organized and how productive you’ll actually become.

#6 Put things away

My favorite organizers for my craft room are relatively inexpensive and easy to get. The problem is making sure you use them! I use cube organizers to create my work desk and to store fabrics.

#7 Have a chance of scenery

Sometimes, working somewhere else is great, such as moving to the dining room table for a change, or setting up a spare table in the garden can be good for the soul.

7 Tips On How To Organize Your Home For A Clearer Mind

We’re all so busy these days. There’s so much to do and so little time to do it all. Especially if you have kids (honestly, it was such a shock going from not having kids to being a mom!) . If you’re finding it difficult to find the time to pursue your artistic passions, you need to sit back and think about why. We all have the same number of hours in the day, it’s just that some of us a better at organizing our time than others.

Believe me, I’m the worse when it comes to time organization but I’ve learned that you do need to pay attention to this area of your life. Here are some of my tips on how I got organized and was able to free up my time to pursue my artistic passions.

How to organize your home

#1 Technology is your friend

Don’t be afraid of trying new technologies that can save you time, especially if the item can be used to do chores that you dislike or find a waste of your precious hours. You don’t need to be a techno whizz to take advantage though. Yes, you can buy lots of new and shiny things like a Google Smart Speaker or a fridge that has more computing power that the first computer you ever had but you may not need that. There’s a ton of smart home devices you can use these days. But if you’re a techno klutz like I am, think about the simple things that take up your time. Do you spend hours vacuuming the house? There are new robotic vacuums now that will do the job for you. Do you have a pool that needs cleaning? How about investing in an automatic pool cleaner (take a tip: the best pool cleaner is one that can do the job without you having to lift a finer!). Using technology to work for you will enable you to spend more time on the things you love doing.

#2 Spring cleaning day

Put aside one day a month to spring clean your home, living and work spaces. You’d be surprised at how your stuff can pile up and your home can very quickly become untidy. Same with your work room or work space. Keeping on top of things is so important as once things get out of hand, you’ll feel overwhelmed and demotivated to do anything.

#3 Spring cleaning month

Besides a regular monthly cleaning, I try and allocate a whole month to getting my home (and self) in order. I usually find that December is a great month to do it. I start with a big spring clean of my wardrobe where I fold and put away any clothes I haven’t worn for a year. After a year, if I find that I haven’t used them again I take them to the charity bin! Then, I go through all my drawers and cupboards and organize  things ruthlessly. I feel so much better after doing that. It’s such great therapy.

#4 Keep a notebook of everything you need to do

If you’re like me and keep forgetting what needs to be done. It’s a great idea to keep a notebook by your bedside and write down all your thoughts. That way, you get everything that’s worrying you out of your mind. It’s also a great habit to get into when you travel, as creative ideas can occur randomly.

#5 Do what you don’t want to do first

It’s so easy to procrastinate and leave the undesirable tasks till last. Then, they often don’t get done. Make it a habit to do them first, that way, you can reward yourself for doing the things you hate with the things you love!